Saturday, December 09, 2006

shades glalore

With the Germany trip drawing near.. im getting all the necessities settled, and writing out a long long looonng list of stuff to bring over. Everyone tells me 2 bring as little stuff possible, and bring back a truckload! haha. tts quite impossible given the fact that winter stuff are 5X thicker than my normal wear.. and Variety IS a necessity cuz i dont wana end up looking like the akward tourist.hah... being asian and black hair-ed is "outstanding" enough. id give the bad dressing a pass.

Was choosing my shades earlier on.. hmm which should i bringgggg val says BRING ALL!! but i know i cant la.. as u can see in a shortwhile, my preference for shades are very much alike. hahaa.. webcam whore-ing in my shades.. getting al to choose.. haha

Clear Aviators by Versus
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Big black retro mama
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Oakley 1/2 wire.. (all crooked cuz i think i sat on it some time back! hahahha)
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Val's walk-frm-house-to-MRT-shades
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Evita Peroni shades (which i stashed for 50% off!! what a steal)
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5shades.... and More to come?? hehee... i hear oakley dartboard aviators calling me... YooHooO!! the thing bout these biggg retro lookin shades is tt cant SMILE... val's fat cheeks wld push it up! hahaa.. think i look so "cartoon" in these pix! hahahaa.... ohhh was in the idst of packing.. *note the mess behind**

Are truckers allowed in winter??? (bdae presie frm key!)...
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i guess not...

Prolly Snow caps .. =) **i look so dorky**
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Ohhh heres what i found...
taken in sec.. 3?? when i was 15.. with Jiamin.. wonder how's she doin... i remember that she was this hot babe whom lotsa guys have a crush on.. and this wonderful complexion and not to mention fashion sense. and ME... i was this girl tt was just Ditched by a guy... went to get a hair cut.. and it ended up disastrous!! the "Parental Guidance" teacher even asked if i wanted to turn bi.. (and be a butch lahhs.)
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Just for this "outing" with a pretty girl.. i remember buying a spag top (my first spag top) and an ultra high platform shoes. (which ive never worn since then)... not to mention these bright blue pants as well.. eugh. what a combi...

Ive still got the spag top.. it looks like some "chaos" top which in can wear for clubbing... it looks not bad.. wonder why i tried so hard back then...

I only owned afew tshirts... from 37Deg (and always onli wear those few) and a couple of berms.. kappa berms, converse, 37Deg, BUM equipment.. haha. yes yes.. i do have them still.. hahaha.. Thank god for helping me shed those fats. please keep me the way i am now. should i NOT be able to weigh 49kg, at least help me stay the way i am now. thank u!

Meeting tiangx in 6 hours. i am doomed. sooo doomed. i wil TRY very very hard to wake up. Very. Lotsa stuff 2 buy.... long john... make up remover... blah blah blahh..

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