Friday, December 15, 2006

ah beng chants!


ppl from Jurong... ALL of u wld find these familiar.. (i guess..) or was i mixing arnd the wrong crowd??

frm the movie 15. (according to al... i wonder how an SA boy knows all these..) and banned by our gahh-men.. hahah.. ENJOY!!!

aHbengs to the max!

THIS made my day! aahaha... along with lot n lotts n looottttts of consolation.. frm al =)

ok.. this is part 2... SPECIALLY FOR JAC!!! after a long day of hardwork n no $$.. this would make u laugh i guess... hahaa.. and i know u're familiar with some lines... the techno part i mean..

ahbengs are so cool! so farrrrnnneeeee hahahaha...

after hearing all these "chants" im like laughing all the way! :P hahaa
scrawny skinny lil bengs... i thought they were "cool" in sec sch.. ahh.. rem tis guy by the name of koon wei... looks just like one of them! baHhh! =P

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