Friday, February 23, 2007

Friendster Updates

Dear Friendster Users. Should you decide to BLOG on friendster, or UPDATE your pictures. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not NOTIFY every single one on ur FRIENDSTER list. its really annoying. Why dont i turn the notification OFF?? its because i wanna see who's bday is up next... the Ocassional 1 or 2 notification is OK.. i repeat OKAE. if its once a day from the same person, its getting on my nerves. i DONT KNOW WHAT"S WRONG, but yesterday, i received bloody 17 from that particular "friend"... nt sure if friendster Hangged/jammed/effed up or what, but i DELETED that friend. we're Friends no more.. ugh. Jac shld know who she is... i cant even remember that girls' real name. BaHhh...

can i not go to work??

1 comment:

j said...

I should know?? Who man?? How come I would know and yet I'm so unaware??? hahhahaa.