Thursday, June 29, 2006

Credited to Mamasan.

here's a BIGGGG thank YOU to Mamasan for lending burning me a copy of the pirated Dreamweaver, so that i could get this new skin up.

(now, i promised id credit him once my new blog skin's up... so he's been bugging me ever since for his "CREDITS")

Here u go! this post is dedicated to you!!

It started with THIS:

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This silly guy saw me in turquoise contact lenses, n at that time.. Memoirs of the Geisha was the hottest talk of the town. So apparently, he cant differentiate Chiyo from Choya... and that has been my "name" ever since. He cant even find VALERIE CHNG in his phone contacts.. its saved as CHOYA. That explains why he's called Mamasan..

Opened my new bottle of Choya.. and decided to SHOW him how it looked like

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We started getting talking cock, and it got a lil hilarious:

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Wait... he decided to JOIN ME!

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Saw him in his oakleys? i cant see with shades on. Had to PRINT SCREEN.. hah. hence the quizzical look..

Then came retard leg twisting act... Hmmm... he cant get his leg behind his neck.. BOoOooOooOoOOoo!!! (neither can i la..) which reminds me.. James said my legs look a lil deformed.. hmmmmmmmm. im starting to think it does too... haha

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and someone was waiting for somebody else's call, so he happily dozed off..

i sent nudges, winks everything... i even had to use the "play sound" function, to get him up! hah.. interesting...

oh.. and his screen was full of "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"s cuz while he was sleeping, he left his finger there... Smart boy! :P

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okaes.. its late. i fell a sleep too... (ya right! so how in the world did i print screen tis pic!?)

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Crap time's over. It was time for bed Shortly after =)

SEE KEL!!! i told u this post was gona be DEDICATED and CREDITED to you~ hahaha..

P/S: im still packing my room.. Been doing so for the whoooollleee holiday.. sigh. Its much neater now.. By val's standards la. heh...

Time for work.. =)

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