Friday, May 19, 2006

New Skin-Preview

Apparently the dreamweaver disc that kelvin gave has a crack (crack as in crack code not cracked cd)..... yes yes... my fault that i didnt check. :P so once again. Thank you!!!

Was kinda enthu bout getting a new blog skin. and ive decided to do the entire skin ON MY OWN!! no ripping off other ppl's blog, no editing of htmls from ... I think my skin is gona turn out looking.......................... t-e-r-r-i-b-l-e... ugh. Here's a sneak peek.. (an understatement for sure):

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Well that's juz a very smallll part of it larhz.

hey!! i surfed lots of site, ripped off lotsa pictures. did a hell lot of copying/editing/rotating/flipping/embossing/ and most importantly EXPERIMENTING Before i got something that i was somewhat satisfied with.

Any suggessions what color theme it shd be? Remember the days where we had to design web pages, and jac would whif out her color chart, and go like "This col goes with this col. that col dont go with this col, this is cool color,that's warm color, pastel colors............... etc..." I need that chart baaaaaaaaaaaaaaadly. Real bad. My col co-ordination is somewhat *ahem* abstract.

This pic somehow resembles my current pic doesnt it? Guess ive always got a thing for pics that are kinda: "anime" (not exactly)... gothic (a little)... Mysterious (yes cuz ive no idea what they're doin)... Sad looking (guess that's in all of us)... Sexy Looking (cuz i know i am.... HEY! enough with that face!! im kiddin!)

Im open to suggessions!!!! please... give me some ideas..... or better still. volunteer to make me a BRAND NEW SKIN! i cant pay tho. Ive got <$100 to last till pay day. And gratuity pay's delayed. Speaking of gratuity.... i got an email at wrk today, and The body of the short email was SOMETHING like this:

"Your gratuity pay would come in with the June's pay. For any questions please call me."
loosely translated as:
Dont start the count down to your gratuity pay, dont even bother planning what you wanna buy, it isnt coming in this month together with the May's salary, so you can wake up your idea and start answering more calls and saving the shitty service level that makes everyone wana break a leg and quit! Go ahead, Quit! and you'd never see your Gratuity EVER!Survive this period, id let you know if it's REALLY gona come in during june.

QUESTIONS? dont go and ask your supervisors, dont email around to bitch, dont whine about not getting it this month. in short. Dont complain. anything CALL me and ask. My number is stated at the bottom. You know how to reach me... Why!? Cuz i'm from HR.... The only Department in the organization chart that says "HUMAN"... albeit with the least human touch, and definately lacking in "customer handling skills"

Im Just Jesting around. Dont go suing me for defaming the sunshine co.. No doubt i submitted the form 1 week before 9th of May (which is my official 1 year), No doubt the cut off date for pay day is mid month, no doubt pay is on the 26th. I STILL wont get my pathetic gratuity which ive slogged 6month for.. Because of accounting issues and HR processing. I so "totally understand." Giving out the extra "kaching ching" is always hard right? *smirks*

Whoops.. overshot my bed time. In short. Got any ideas for a blog skin? id appreciate it if u pop me a mail at .. Leave my hotmail account for junk mails, jokes, virus infested forwarded mails, notifications, friendster, WAYN, wholivesnearyou etc.

P/S: In the process of replying your mail jac-o... =P

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