Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Im a lil peeved now.. No names mentioned thats for sure.. Writing all these not to "aim/shoot" anyone... but to re re re emphasise to everyone reading this (and myself) not to be a "burden" (that's not the best choice of word i know..)

no no.. not the get girl pregnant, marry her kinda responsibility..

but rather.. responsibility in a simpler sense. how old are most of us? 20-ish?? As of now, i guess taking care of our parents or family aint part of our scope of responsibility yet.

The one person we must be responsible for is OURSELF!!!!! We're OLD enough to be responsible for ourself. our action. our words. as well as repercussions of our actions for that matter. why do i hear ppl big talking about wanting to earn alot of $$ when they aint working for it? why do i hear ppl wanting 2 get a job promotion when they're slacking away? why do hear so many contradictory stuff these days? (more importantly.. why do ppl use their hp and dont pay!!??)hhaaa

Guess responsibility towards ourself in a post-teenager context means to PAY for our own mistake as well as well as to take liability of it. Having the need to pre empt situations and look ahead in the near future, and cater to these near future needs by fine tuning our present.

im not going all philosophical and go yaking about "how responsible i am and all u lousy ppl are not"... (im trying to be at least!) Im not saying that we need to prepare for the far far far away future like financial planning etc... but simple lil responsibilities that could happen in a shorter frame. Pre empting these situations would cause ourselves and others alot less trouble. I know not everything's within our control.. but Should pre empting fail.. at least we know we've tried.

for those of u who dont earn ur own keep, take $$$ frm ur parents and just splurge... just shut up.... for those who earn ur own keep and splurge even more... well.... good for u.. i shall shut up.

Here's a nonsensical view
  • grp proj due, dont go drinking/clubbing--- GROUP RESPONSIBILITY
  • know u dont have savings, dont go for holidays/branded stuff--FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY
  • know u've got no $$, dont splurge---FEMALE REPONSIBILITY
  • see an ah mah w/o a seat on the mrt.. give ur seat to her---SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY
  • depending on ur job scope, doing the mandatory stuff to the best of ur ability---WORK RESPONSIBILITY
  • Being punctual for work (and all other impt stuff)---PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
  • making sure ur other half is happy---RELATIONSHIP RESPONSIBILITY
  • helping your friend when he/she is in need--- FRIENDSHIP RESPONSIBILITY
  • Saying the right things at the right time, nt saying dumb stuff 2 embarass others---INTERPERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
  • Exam's coming, STUDY LAR!!! at least hard enough to pass---STUDENT's RESPONSIBILITY

and the list goes on and on and on..

feeling foul... just like prisc is moody. hmphie.....

a big hi to allllll u anonymous ppl reading and not tagging.. dont hate me pleas... hah..

loves to all,

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