Tuesday, July 26, 2005

un-feministic me

Done the nitty gritty "every-girl-must-do-before-bed" procedures n decided that i should turn on my bimbotic laptop for a session of blogging before bed. As to why why laptop's bimbotic, it isnt a reflection of its owner, but rather, a wrong choice made. It looks good, feels good, light weight, sleak, basic functions, and without the capability to play games. Aquired weird skill of typing while lying down in bed, it involves *let me count* 4 pillows of different sizes, a bolster, and and a particular protruding part of the body. If u were thinking boobs,**naH** i dont think its that protruding. But if u happen to think that way, thx for the un-common compliment.

Blog whats on my mind, and maybe i'd keep the sleepless nights away. No offence to anyone who inspired me to blog about this, and i'm not particularly offended, infact i'm grateful that its made known to me, so that i do have the opportunity to give it some thought. These are just my thoughts, scribbles, rants etc. anything you wish to call it. Basically something within my sphere of thought and BeYOND other people's realm of control

Someone told me that i look somewhat Feminine at first. Then, the impression of me changed to that of being tom-boyish. So am i feminine or am i tomboyish actually? Another school of thought would be the originally bimbotic me, followed by the intellectual me, with deep thoughts and never ending arguments. Whats with the disparity?

What am i to you? What's your impression of me? Not like I can do about it, but contrast to the usual statement of "i dont give a damn" (which usually IS a lie), i DO care. I cant do anything to change your opinion, but I care about what is being said and infact, i make it a point to change whatever i feel would make me a better person
Here's my humble piece:

Feminism is a perception by guys and girls alike. A form of genteel
submisiveness, emiting an aura of womanly characteristics, in which part
component includes speech, actions, and decisions.

So, what exactly is womanly? WHO defines feminism? Is someone feminine
when she wears a skirt, dress sexily, bring tissue paper, carries make up, speak
softly, walk properly, talks correctly? Who said so? So apparently i aint
feminine (enough). Or is it my character that isnt since i look like one and
dont behave like one. So the female population is not allowed to have a tough
independent side, and the male population shouldnt have a caring fatherly
facade. Only the male are allowed to use the"Book of Vulgarities" while
girls should study the "Book of Virtues". Am i right to say so?

Know that NOT everione thinks this way. Infact, those who think this way wont even
outlandishly say they do.

Loud, outspoken, frank, with lots of opinion
and being daring are the tom-boyish side of me. the "i am what i am, and u
cannot change me since i dont give a flying fuck" doesnt apply here. Because i
do want to appear as a girl, or rather a girlish girl. Better still. An
Intellectual girlish girl. How does that sound? A dream come true? I wish i were

Like every other true blue non bisexual GIRLie-girl. I want to be percieved
as one, so i try behaving like one. Maybe at the end of the day, i can only look
like one, and not REALLY be one.
With regards to the WHO questions mentioned
earlier, its the Social-Norms that defines female. How female should be like,
how they should act, how they should be behaving, what they should do, what they
should say etc. (Note the SHOULD.) No thanks to the society, its believe that
all girls SHOULD follow a set of norms, I on the other hand, am going to do
something i've always wanted to...

I'm Challenging the Societal Norms
Guy's perception of a "normal" female
I'm not going to be what people initially think i am, i REFUSE
to be classified in a manner way beneath my status as a perfectly normal female.
Screw the dumb who cant pronounce the official currency of Germany befor Euro $
was introduce (Deutsche Mark). Screw those who prefer Prada to Prata, To hell to
those who look good and dont do work. You girls spoil the market for for other
better female i say. Contaminate guy's impression, and Create lousy
*no harm done since im attached* I'm NOT gonna pretend I'm a
blue-blooded FEMALE. Henceforth, val's just gonna be someone who
dresses depending on the ocassion, speak according to the situation, behave like
how she wants to and DO whatever she thinks it's right to. AND have every right
to curse in public, make a din, command, scold etc AS SHE DEEM FIT. Maybe its
the "new-age-girl" thing. No idea. I dont think that's new. Its only NEW to
me.. I know there are afew who behaves this way. So why exactly aren't
they considered tom-boyish and yet i am? Sad fact. so in conclusion:
Everything you see, is part of me.
No one can change it, because that's who i choose to be.
How you percieve, it still would exisit...
Because i choose, only to be truthful to ME

Love and Regards to all who survied reading till here,
i'm tired.. sorry if it aint coherent.. time for bed...tomorrow's another long day

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