Monday, October 02, 2006

Happy 3 months darl!!

Here's what came to my door tis morning.. Happy Monthniversary hon... =)

Was wondering if id be able to receive flowers again this month and I DID!!!!!!! flowers with my fave SUMMER HILL!

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I took pictures of my own.. but i was napping and hence my eyes were still still half closed as i was admiring the flowers... it looks so much beta in real life.. guess somebody's like Fareastflora's Premium member already! hahahaa...

Thank u for the B-E-A-Uuuuutiful flowers... and for knowing my fave scent and my every need. But please dont spent so much next time... maybe just a stalk of flower la.. hehee.. tsk tsk tsk... im gona take extra care with these flowers... and make sure i scrimp and save on using them... maybe use it only when im in germany!? hahaa

I Love u! and THANK YOU! u never fail to brighten up my day =)

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